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The TEFON Managers' Leadership Training Workshop


This training workshop organized by the TEFON Top Management and CABINET GO AHEAD AFRICA as trainers, was held at the Design Hotel Bali on Tuesday the 14th of January 2020.  TEFON GROUP being an assembly of affiliates had managers representing the various affiliates namely; TEFON ENGINEERING, TEFON HR, LOMAC and TEFON SHIP SUPPLY.
This training workshop organized by the TEFON GROUP Top Management was provoked by the global changes in business management techniques and the tough competition in business today. The training was therefore organized to train TEFON GROUP Managers in LEADERSHIP and MANAGEMENT skills.

The Transformational Leadership as a Driving Tool

What is Change Management?

Change Management is a set of operations carried out within an organization to allow it to adapt to changes in its internal and external environment through a paradigm shift (a fundamental change in approach or underlying assumptions).
Change management is one of the key skills for any Transformational Leader.It is a delicate mission because the change is generally badly perceived and seen as a threat.
It is very rare that a change within an organization does not give rise to opposition, because employees find themselves outside their comfort zone. They then have a reflex of refusal, a first common reaction when announcing a change.

The 3 Types of Behavior in the Face of Change

  1. Opponents and sceptics who are upset by the change
  2. Those who are waiting to see what the change will bring
  3. Supporters who are enthusiastic about change


Following the announcement of the change, employees go through a range of diverse emotional reactions 
they refuse to believe in the change announced. 
: they rebel, strongly oppose the change and refuse to hear about it. 
Fear and the Sadness
: they immerse themselves in nostalgia about "it was better before", "we always made it like that, why would it change!",                                      "How will I do it”? 
: feeling that change is avoidable, they try to negotiate some arrangements in their favor. 
The Resignation
: they get discouraged and accept,

How to Carry Out Change

  1. Explain the Change: The Manager must explain the change to all stakeholders in order to prepare them for the management of eventual hazards that may occur with any change.
  2. Develop Much More Listening Why do we listen?:  • We listen to get information • We listen to understand  • We listen for fun  • We listen to learn…
  3. Involve the Reluctant: You must allow reluctant employees to get used to the change, and above all avoid forcing and rushing them at the risk of further scaring them.
  4. Offer Training / Coaching: Some employees reject the change simply because they fear they are not up to the task, or doubt their adaptability. These fear is seen at all levels of the organization.
  5. Reward Adaptability: Encourage your employees, recognize their efforts and value them. 

What is Transformational Leadership?

Transformational Leadership refers to the ability of the leader to bring his employees to: Transcending their personal interests and transforming their beliefs, needs and values ​​in the name of a collective vision. (Bass, 1985, 1990) 
Transformational Leadership seeks to raise the level of motivation and morality in organizations by appealing more to long-term intrinsic needs and less to short-term extrinsic needs.
The leader is a person with a vision of the future and who shares his passion for achieving great things.
He improves his project by injecting enthusiasm and energy around him

5 Components of Transformational Leadership

  1. Charismatic influence: Employees admire, respect and trust their leader.He is seen as a model and they want to look like him.
  2. Inspiration: He communicates a positive vision for the future, expresses his expectations and is committed. He shows enthusiasm and optimism, which promotes team spirit.
  3. Motivation: The Transformational Leader provides a sense of work and challenges to his/her employees, which motivates them to perform.
  4. Intellectual stimulation: The Transformational Leader encourages employees to be creative and to innovate.He questions hypotheses.He reframes the problems and looks at past situations from a new angle.
  5. Individualized consideration: The Transformational Leader listens to the needs of each of his/her employees and promotes a two-way communication. He allows them to develop and grow professionally. He often acts as a Mentor or Coach.

The 5 Best Practices of Transformational Leadership

  1. Show the way.
  2. Inspire and share a common vision.
  3. Question the processes.
  4. Put your team in motion.
  5. Engage the heart.

The TEFON Good Manager

What are the behavioral and managerial skills of an Excellent Manager?

The 8 Behavioral Skills

  1. Ethical Commitment: Preserve / Promote the Group's ethical values ​​and principles on a daily basis (professionalism, respect for employees, constant concern for safety and environmental protection, contribution to the development of the communities that host the Group's activities, etc.)• Defend interests and promote the Group's image in its internal and external interactions
  2. Organization: Plan the actions to be implemented to achieve the objectives.• Develop an optimal system / method for using time and resources
  3. Judgment / anticipation: Know how to identify new data / situations that can impact the activity positively or negatively.• Relevantly analyze this data / situations in order to optimize the activity management / Find solutions.• Develop a medium-long term vision of the activity
  4. Decision making: Be reactive or proactive in the face of new data / situations.• Arbitrate between different possibilities for problem solving / optimizing opportunities
  5. Communication: Select the most relevant information to use / transmit for the achievement of the objectives.• Organize communication in such a way that the message (s) are (are) understood by the targeted audience.• Being able to convince and win over the audience
  6. Interpersonal relationships: To be opened to thoughts from the point of view of others.• Share information and cooperate with colleagues.• Work in a network with external people to his services for the achievement of common objectives
  7. Adaptability: Be aware of your strengths and areas for improvement, develop your skills and stay informed of new developments.• Accept change and adapt to different situations, including integration into different environments and cultures
  8. Result orientation: Being able to reach the objectives
  • By integrating the interests of stakeholders.
  • Adapting to changes in its environment

The 3 Managerial Skills

  1. Personal coaching: Set clear objectives and support employees in achieving them.• Delegate effectively.• Performance reward.• Manage delicate situations.
  2. Negotiation: Identify the issues / criteria for making decision, and make satisfactory proposals to all stakeholders.
  3. Steering/Piloting: Monitor the level of achievement of objectives using indicators to optimize the performance of the activity.

The 4 Roles of a GOOD Manager

  1. Organize and anticipate: Formalize the organization of your service-Anticipate its evolution- Make sure it is readable
  2. Evaluate and develop: Establish goals, give feedback and make regular assessments-Give team members the opportunity to learn and coach them-Share the assessments and get involved in the mobility process
  3. Recruit and integrate: Invest in identifying your needs-Prepare and welcome new arrivals-Define goals and provide support-Validate the end of the trial period
  4. Reward and recognize: Use the recognition principle to reward employees on a regular basis

The 7 Secrets of a Good Manager

  1. Know how to say THANK YOU: "Thank you". A small word, simple and easy to pronounce. And yet it is less and less used these days. However, knowing how to show gratitude is essential for a more fulfilled life, for us and for those around us as Leader.
  2. Having Self Confidence  
  3. Stop putting everything off (postponements) until tomorrow  
  4. Encourage initiatives  
  5. Go to the end of what we undertake (courage)  
  6. Get the information (Go in for information): Speed, responsiveness to the customer and service depend more and more on the exploitation of knowledge. The businesses that will be successful in the 21st century will be the ones that can harness this knowledge.” Lou Gerstner
  7. Crosscheck, crosscheck and verify the information received In other words: let's be meticulous and responsible.


Representation of our Values (Team work practical Exercise): A draw was made and each team picked one of the TEFON VALUES. Each team will had 10 minutes to develop a sketch and present for 2 minutes. Participants were asked give the corresponding TEFON VALUE acted by each team. 

TEFON 6 values

  • Integrity
  • Safety and Insurance
  • Transparency
  • Professionalism
  • Excellence
  • Relationships / Empowerment

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Donald Hermann Ava
Donald Hermann Ava wrote:
8 Dec '20 1:10am
Very good and very professional

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